-> Intensity <-
31.5.2018 See english after the photo. Kuunneltuani Stephen Westin Philosophize this -podcastia ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o80GKKO...

Intuitio-performanssi, pt. 2
30.5.2018 See english translation after the photos. Tänään sain roudattua viimeisetkin leikatut oksat omenatarhasta pellolle, josta ne...

Muovimajan sisustus
Olin ajatellut ripustaa katosta muovirojua siimoissa niin, että ne täyttävät koko huoneen. Ikäänkuin joutuisi keskelle merta, missä...

hiilennielijän lokikirjasta // eating carbon
Pallonpyörittäjän havainto mittakaavasta heittelehtii, ihmiskeho kuvittelee hetken olevansa lantakuoriainen. Pillerinpyörittäjät...

Cordwood Rocks
Inspiration for my project is most related to C.G. Jung and his Tower. Form, style and technique is another question. Basically I try...

What is the Ikipuutarha / Forever Garden?
When doing an internet search on ”forever garden” one of the first sites to pop up is a site selling a variety of plastic plants. In a...

Brain-hand coordination in three dimensions
IN ENGLISH: I have been making the digital version of the Forest garden for little over a week now. The first part of my two-piece work...

Apocalyptic perspective
It’s been already one week since we arrived to Finland and the first impression was that this place on hearth has lots of space. Space...

* Dear diary, 00:00 a.m., June 11th. Entering the village of Korkeaoja, It's 15 kilometers north of the Kokemäki administrative centre,...

Pyöräilyä, ideointia, harhailua
Tekstiä tulee, mutta lukijan aika on tunnetusti rajallinen. Seuraavassa kyseisen päivän teospäiväkirjasta jokaisen erillisen kappaleen...

Dürer Solid
Dear Deer Please take this humble offer with open mouth and mind. Lick this salty solid of Dürer. It's here for You to enjoy! Feel it...

Muovimaja rakentuu
Ihmisen asumus on nykyään aika suurelta osin muovia. Perinnerakentaminen on harvojen hommaa. Tapeteissa on muovia, lattiat ovat muovia,...

Fuller who popularized the geodesic dome structure invented the neologism "livingry," as opposed to weaponry (or "killingry"), to mean...